
Showing posts from April, 2017

Wbc staining procedure

Staining Procedure of WBC WBC  or White blood cell is a special type of cell present in blood which helps to fight with bacteria, viruses and germs. There are mainly five types of WBC present in circulating blood. 1.Neutrophil.                   3.Lymphocyte 2.Eosinophil                    4.Monocyte         5.Basophil Discovery  Gabriel Andral and William Addison an English doctor both reported the first   descriptions of white blood cells. Staining Procedure of WBC for microscopic examination   1.Take a grease free slide. Put a drop of fresh blood on the slide. 2.With the help of another slide draw a thin smear. 3.Air dry the slide. 4.Pour few drops of Leishman's stain on the smear and allow it to reacts for 5 minutes. 5.After 5 minutes add little amount of distilled water into the stain, don't let it dry. Keep it for 30 minutes .The total time is depending upon the stain quality. 6.Next washed the slide in tap water and observed under the microscope.